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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

It's Time To Be Still and Know That God IS IN CONTROL.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 4:6-7 NIV

The above is a COMMAND, my question is:- If we are anxious are we sinning against God? I am only posing the question.

Anxiety and fear can be equated, these are opposite to trust. Trusting God is the cure for fear and worry.
In Matthew 6:25-30, Jesus commanded us not to worry. ...
When a person repents of their sin and puts their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus, God becomes their Father.

Anxiety/fear weighs you down. It causes you to FORGET that every man/woman is your brother or sister. So, when you fight fire with fire you create a conflagration - an extensive fire that destroys a great deal... So anger + anger = more anger. Is it worth it? I mean to give up that PEACE you have, would it not be better if you say a prayer for the person who angered you instead? It feels amazing, you give the controls to the One who sees and knows ALL. The person who angered you may be suffering from more than you can imagine.

Don't hold it in, let it go, give it up, let go of what you THINK you know, turn it over to God, surrender it.
Success is in the surrender.

And, as we continue to go through these 'lockdowns' remember we are ALL in this, so let's do it together; while social distancing and practicing the things to keep safe.

Wash your hands often. Wipe down those frequently used things, like the doorknobs, light switches, phones, toilet handles.

If you MUST go outside wear a mask or a shield.

I end with this Romans 12:18 "If it is possible, as much as it is up to you, be at peace with all men."

Have a BLESSED day.

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