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Thursday, May 27, 2010

What would your child be doing in Summer 2010?

In just a few weeks schools will be closed for the Summer Break.  The longest break in the school year.
Would you child be doing any of the following:
                                         Sports Camp
                                         Summer Job Programme
                                         Reading Camp
                                         Travelling to another city, state or country
                                         Mathematics Camp
                                         Science Camp or
                                         Just staying at home.
If he/she is what do you as a parent plan for your child to do at home?
Would you be at work?
How about letting your child create a garden in the back yard?  Or create an area to read quietly. Maybe learn how to mend his/her clothes.
There are so many things that children can do to occupy their time and learn something new in the process.
Don't let your child be idle for those 9 weeks, ensure that he/she is busy in a positive way.
These students are!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Isle of Freedom

Have you ever visited the Isle of Freedom in the Bahamas?  If you haven't you should.

This is a typical evening overlooking the water.

Have your own 'boat'? It is even better you can anchor off the shore and enjoy true tranquility.

And, the people are friendly.

Should Students Be Punished for Fighting at School?

Why do students fight?  Why do they feel it is OK to attack each other in groups?  Why are they comfortable with bringing a weapon to school, be it a knife or some other edge tool?

A few days ago some students felt it was right to fight during school.  The fighting was so severe that the police had to be called in...what kind of reflection does this have on parents?  Should parents be held responsible for the child's behavior when he is at school? Should the school?  What negotiation tactic should be used to enable the student[s] to defend his action? It is obvious that beating the child does not work.  In fact it seem to be encouraging the student[s] to counter use violence.

High school students can be tried as adults, but do we want more prisoners living off the state?  Are prisons  remodeling inmates for the benefit of society or are they producing better criminals?  Why is it that some people after spending a term in prison decide to make a career of being a prisoner and do the most trivial thing to return to prison?

Question after question can be raised, but we need answers.

More police officers does not stop people from committing crimes.  Some people feel that they are smarter than the officers.  When they are apprehended they quickly lawyer up. What is the solution?
Please share.

School Year Ends with Drama

As the 2010 school year ends around the world we wonder what this group of young graduates would contribute to the world.

Yet, as we reflect on this some students are grappling with abuse of one kind or another. This abuse has led to abusive behavior by students against each other.

Teachers are being charged with sexual abuse against minors, male and female. There are many charges against male teachers whom we expect to 'look after' our children are preying on them. Not only are they preying on the young females but in some cases they are preying and being charged with abuse of young males also.

The question arises should all future teachers be investigated by the police before they are hired?

While the preyer sits in prison or is out on bail, what happens to the young person who has been abused?

What kind of help is given to enable that young person to go on? To acquire a college education, to lead a production life without shame and blame feeling as if it was their fault?

What will the end results be when young people are abused?

Do you have an opinion, please share.