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Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas 11 days away, yet who knows who will be here to enjoy it.

We can reflect on the past but the future is unpredictable. Rage, Anger and being unprepared can hamper one from seeing Christmas.
Every day in the 'news' no matter where you are there is tragedy. The young people are most likely to be involved. In the past two days two young men lost their lives in tragic situations. The first murdered in anger by his neighbour. Not everyone can take 'teasing'. The murderer said he had enough and with a screwdriver stabbed and killed the victim. Two families in mourning. One son in prison and the other on a slab of cold metal. One family looking for a lawyer and the other for the undertaker. This 11 days before Christmas.
Less than 24 hours ago another young man lost his life. He decided to hold up a business place and threaten to kill the workers if they did not hand over the money. He met his match, the owner decided, he had worked too hard to just hand over his money and while the gunman held a customer as ransom the owner shot and killed the would be thief. Again, one more family looking for an undertaker instead of 'enjoying' the Christmas.
Why the rage? We cannot blame it on the economy, there are many things that can be done to make money. Why nit ask to clean someone's windows, what about cutting someone's lawn, what about walking the dogs, cleaning a vehicle? And the list can go on.
Yes, Christmas is in the future, yes it is only 11 days away, the question is how many more families would be in grief instead of in celebration?
What advice are you giving your family members? Think about it!

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