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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Investing and Celebrating Our Youth

How do we invest in and celebrate our Youth?
This is a question we should all consider. Today too many of our young people die too early. Some never get out of their teens.

Why is it so easy for our young people to get ahold of weapons of any kind. Some have east access to guns, knives and home made weapons. Should parents not periodically check their children's rooms, bags, cars? Why do they have so much privacy in your home?

It is time to take back the power over the youth from the people outside the home who are using them to kill themselves and others. We need to deal with anger management, respect for others no matter the creed, race or class.

We must put in place things that the youth can strive to do and be rewarded for. Why not start a real dialogue? Why not encourage them to join 'debate teams' speech organization, geared to them not adults. Why can they not be taught how to own and operate a small business, be it making holiday, speciality cards, design business cards, make pies and other home made candies and market these to the food store or just to home owners. If the adults invest the time into teaching the skills than the investment would pay off.

As a community the youth with the best product can be encouraged to expand his market.

What are your thoughts?

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