Let's Say NO TO VIOLENCE to Anyone and Everyone... one life lost is too many.
This Pandemic, COVID 19, has brought to light so many things that were hidden or swept under the carpet.
This has led us as a people to realize that there is more gender-based violence than we can ever imagine.
As an outlet for all young people, teens, young adults, older adults we should encourage people to write about it. You can write a piece of prose, a short story, a poem, a play whatever to get your idea across to help rid us of this problem. If writing is not your thing, do a drawing, just do something and share it with me and the rest of the group at - eleutherasaysno@gmail.com
No matter where you are, your input can change a life or save a life.
Think of people who are being 'bullied' in this lockdown and have no one to speak to. Think of those who are not used to being locked in 24/7. Those who no longer have a job and can't process what is happening to them. Those who never asked for help and now depend on food banks, the government food program, neighbors from home and abroad.
Let's look at the situation closer, the frustration of parents and children.
Not everyone would reach out to a friend for help, many would suffer in silence.
Again, please express your feelings in writing, drawing, photography whatever mode of expression that you can use. Email your pieces to us. The email again is ...eleutherasaysno@gmail.com.
I look forward to seeing your presentations.
God Bless you all.
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