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Thursday, August 27, 2020

What do you tell yourself when there is no one around?

1- I don't have the time. Ans: Create time.
2- I don't have the money. Ans: Get the money.
3- I need to lose weight. Ans: I weight 135 pounds.
4- I can't do that right now. Ans: Now, is the time you have.
5- What day is it? Ans: You are not busy.
6- What's in the news? Ans: You, create the news.
7- I don't feel like........ Ans: Just show up.
8- Why does he/she want.. Ans: Help somebody.
9- I got to do this or that. Ans: Put yourself first
10- I don't want people messing with me. Ans: Get attention.
11- I work too hard anyhow. Ans: Don't make excuses.
12. I used to think that. Ans: Keep feeding your dream

Maybe it's me looking at the things I used to say years ago and realizing that there are 24 hours in the day and if I use my time wisely all other things fall into place.

I set a target and work towards it. If you say 'I am going to New York for two weeks'. I plan the entire trip, tickets, hotels, tours, meals, shopping the whole thing. What's the price am I willing to pay the price? If the answer if not yes, you are not going anywhere.

A wise man said you either manage your life, or someone would manage it for you.

Think about the above... Just think.

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