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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Did You Set A Goal For Your Life?


Your goals should be written daily, weekly, or monthly.

Remember that your subconscious mind does not know the time, so write those goals as if they have already been accomplished.

Don't think small. Thinking small leads to disaster.

Don't waste energy as energy is money and it takes courage to make money.

When you dream with your eyes open to see what you want and can speak what we see and seek it.

Examine what God has brought you to. Do so carefully, relive the journey.

What is the lesson you should have learned? Or did you learn it?

You can do more than you think you can.

Live up to your potential.

If you do not live up to doing your personal best, IT IS UNETHICAL.

Look over what God has brought you to.

You could be pleasantly surprised.

Friday, August 28, 2020

It's Important to Offer Help Even if You are 'Shut Down'

Many times you are reminded that you are your 'brother's keeper', even if you have no biological brother.

Sometimes, you want things for people more than they want for themselves.

These can include but are not limited to- a good basic education; an opportunity to set them up for life; a chance to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of their family and so on.

Well, there are times when you have to bite your tongue and remain silent, there are times when you have to let people feel for themselves or buck their own big toe and feel the pain. 

I learn daily that some people will not learn until their mouths are bitter or they and in a hornet's nest.

You have to be happy for those who do listen the first time, and when the others come all battered and bruised, you have to ask yourself, "what would Jesus do?" And do just that. Hopefully, it would not be like when he had to whip the moneychangers out of the temple.

With that said, good night.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

What do you tell yourself when there is no one around?

1- I don't have the time. Ans: Create time.
2- I don't have the money. Ans: Get the money.
3- I need to lose weight. Ans: I weight 135 pounds.
4- I can't do that right now. Ans: Now, is the time you have.
5- What day is it? Ans: You are not busy.
6- What's in the news? Ans: You, create the news.
7- I don't feel like........ Ans: Just show up.
8- Why does he/she want.. Ans: Help somebody.
9- I got to do this or that. Ans: Put yourself first
10- I don't want people messing with me. Ans: Get attention.
11- I work too hard anyhow. Ans: Don't make excuses.
12. I used to think that. Ans: Keep feeding your dream

Maybe it's me looking at the things I used to say years ago and realizing that there are 24 hours in the day and if I use my time wisely all other things fall into place.

I set a target and work towards it. If you say 'I am going to New York for two weeks'. I plan the entire trip, tickets, hotels, tours, meals, shopping the whole thing. What's the price am I willing to pay the price? If the answer if not yes, you are not going anywhere.

A wise man said you either manage your life, or someone would manage it for you.

Think about the above... Just think.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Whom or what do you 'fear'?

 F E A R

Whom or what do you 'fear'?

Have you ever looked closely at that word and wonder why it has so much POWER.....
FYI nothing has POWER unless you give it power.

How dangerous is' fear'.... Here are some things to consider. Think about whether or not you experienced any of these.
- moodiness
- increased negative thinking
- a negative perception of events
- decreased motivation
- sleep problems
- appetite problems
- decreased or increased sexual responsiveness
- social isolation
That is how dangerous 'fear' is, like a fire ANT 'automatic negative thoughts.....
To Kill the ANT there is a cure:
Philippians 4:8 says
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."

Remember your thoughts are real. You have a though your brain releases a chemical, an electrical transmission goes across your brain, and YOU become aware of what you're thinking.
Thoughts are real, and they have a real IMPACT on how you feel and how you behave.
Exterminate the ANT.

Let's have a conversation.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Questions I asked myself.....

 Morning all,

I have a few questions for YOU, yes YOU!
1. What's your someday goal?
2. What are you doing to get to your someday goal?
3. Are you tired of being broke yet?
4. Are you tired of just having enough to pay bills?
5. Are you tired of scarcity?
6. Are you tired of saying that's too expensive?
7. Are you tired of saying, "I don't have the money now."?
8. Are you tired of 'I can't afford it'?
9. Are tired of the 'lie' "It won't work for me"?
10. What is that thing that causes you to dream bigger?

YOU have 4 months and 1 week left in this year.

You have spent the last 5 months, 1 week, and 4 days in some kind of confinement. You have had your movement restricted for a period of time.

One of my friends said, 'you received NO salary'. That is what happens when you trade time for money.

Another one said, 'most of my 'lil' savings are gone.' Yep, trading of time for money.

Are you not ready to change that?

I really have knowledge of how you can.

You can create financial success now.


Find out more.

Just ask. I am available.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Memories and how they drive me to continue to succeed.

As a child, you always knew what you wanted whether you got it or not.
You did not care what the cost was, nor if your parent[s] could afford it. You only knew you wanted it.
You made things happen if your parent[s] said they did not have the money, you did not let that stop you.
You actually negotiated. "What if I clean the windows?" What if I raked the yard? Could I babysit for Mrs.....? Could I cut Mr....'s grass.
You used your intuition you get it done.
What happened to that skill?
Why now are you waiting for someone to tell you what is good enough for you?
Why is it okay for someone to tell you that your worth is $500 per month? or $4000 per month?
How come it is okay for someone to regulate when you can go to the 'restroom'?
Why have you given your power to someone else?
Okay, you don't have to become angry, just take a moment to think.
I share will this before I got married, I made a statement to some of my close friends. I said, " I would be in my own house within three years."
My 'friends' laughed. That was a motivation for me.
Within three years we were in our own home. One of my friends a bank manager came by and said, "I need to shake your hand, you are a woman to your word." I only laughed.
Fast forward 2017 I made a similar statement that January, that I would pay in full before the middle of the year and save two years of interest. It happened.
Yes, we manifest what we want. I say again if your mind can conceive it you can achieve it.
It's now the year of our Lord 2020. The world is quagmire with the Coronavirus, COVID 19. It is out of this diversity that many people will reach back to that time when they were manifesting what they wanted and do it again.
You will remember how you must be specific in what you want.
You will be open and honest with yourself.
You will embrace the fact that you deserve happiness and this often comes when you don't have financial problems.
You will be open with how you think with your partner or spouse.
You will commit to a better connection with God, remember how you prayed before every meal, before going to bed, upon awakening, let's get there again.
Watch this, Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
And this, John 10:10b, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." "More abundantly" means to have a superabundance of a thing. "Abundant life" refers to life in its abounding fullness of joy and strength for mind, body, and soul.
What is stopping you?
Are you afraid of wealth?
Do you embrace lack?
Are you happy with, 'money tight'? Remember, 'what you speak you seek and you will see what you said.'
Take the time today to write the best things of your life thus far, those things that make you smile wide.
You have them. Enjoy those moments again and restart your life from there.
Your abundant life is waiting for you. Come!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Why are humans so curious?

Is it because we are nosey? 

Do we love other people's business?

Are we searching for something and making excuses because it's not in our face.

I don't know.

There is a new opportunity out there that is making a lot of people a lot of money. 

Want some?

What are you going to do about it?

Is what you are doing working for you?

Are those people lucky? Or were they willing to take a chance?