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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Coming Soon St. Luke's Parish Fair

St. Luke's Parish is reinstating its Annual Fair.  This year it will be held on May 31, 2014 from 8 - 10 AM breakfast of souse, and or stew; 11AM... until dinners. All this on the Parish Hall grounds.  Every one is invited to be a part of this grand occasion.

 There will be the traditional games of hoop-la, bingo, punch board, guess the number of items in the jar, the bouncing castle and lots more; there will be scrumptious meals like, peas soup with dumplings, fish, chicken, barbeque ribs, dinners; conch salad, conch fritters, ice cream, pop corn and much much more.

Mark your calendars. It would be a day you would not forget.

St. Luke's Parish encompasses St. Columba Tarpum Bay; St. Luke's Rock Sound; St. Michael and All Angels Green Castle; St. Mary Magdalene Wemyss Bight; St. Joseph Deep Creek and St. Mary The Virgin Bannerman Town.  So, if you are a descendant of any of the communities mentioned where ever you are in the Bahamas, come spend the day with us.

We look forward to seeing you there.


The Dangers of being overweight and obese.

I promised myself a few days ago that I would write about the problem of being overweight or obese from my point of view.

Obesity is killing too many people in this 'small global village' that I live in.  Everywhere you go there is someone who is overweight.  Some people say, 'I'm thick'; 'I'm big boned'; I'm solid'; 'I'm pleasantly plump'.  No! they are actually overweight and in many cases obese.[That is weighting 20% more then they should for their height] If your waist is over 35 inches as a female that is being obese.  If your waist size is over 40 inches and you are male, you are obese.
  I see obesity on a daily basis whether it is in the work place, at the clinics, in the schools, at the super markets and in the community at large, both male and female.
  This condition does not have to be a death sentence, yet so many young people allow it to be just that. If a person decides to sit and watch television for hours, don't engage in any form of exercise and do not get 7-10 hours of sleep then they make the decision to be obese. And, too many young people smoke that too can increase the risk of being obese.
  In a small country like The Bahamas, there are far too many people suffering with hypertension and diabetes, these can and in many cases lead to strokes, heart problems, infertility and some cancers.
   People who are overweight and obese are discriminated against.  I see young people 'poke fun' at their peers who are obese.  They call them names like 'piggy', 'elephant', and they make the sounds that the pig makes as they pass them.  This is mean.  It only triggers lower self-esteem and encourages the person being teased to find comfort in more 'food'.  The thing is though, they do not eat a whole food like an apple or some grapes; they reach for a chocolate bar, some sugary cookies, ice cream, sugary drinks and soda.
  The schools in this country should sell only 100% juices and yet some sell 'drinks' that are basically sugar, oil, colouring and water. Where they should be selling fruit they choose to sell chocolate bars, M & Ms, candy and biscuits.  These do not help the situation but make it worse. The children now add being hyper to being overweight.  
  I have personally spoken to people who are suffering from hypertension and diabetes because of being overweight, but when you recommend that they try some natural product to help them and suggest that they change their diet, they say they can't afford it. The thing about it, those words 'I can't afford' should be linked to becoming more overweight then to not wanting to spend money to correct the problem they are living with.
  I say that it is cheaper to start a corrective program to change your diet then to get to the point where your pressure is so high that the doctor can't get it down, or to go into a sugar induced coma. It is cheaper that having to call a charter flight day or night to take you into New Providence to one of the hospitals and then pay the doctors and nurses whom you may need for round the clock care. Little changes in your lifestyle can make a whole lot of difference.
  And there are those people, including those in my own family who say, "I inherit this!" I don't think you can inherit being fat.  It 'boils' down to what you put into your mouth and how much of it and how often.
  There is a saying that we are what we eat!  So if we eat fried potatoes and fried chicken every day two to three times a day and then add peas and rice, baked macaroni and cheese, potato salad and follow that with a soda and ice cream what can we really expect? Just as food can be our medicine, it can be our death sentence!
  Anyone can make the decision to live/eat healthy. It is up to us to do that.  We as parents would have to make that decision for our children. We must be the example and let them learn by what we do.

There is a product that I use daily called "Unicity Balance". It works folks, it does. I will be happy to talk to you about it. To find out more, email me at annahorton768@gamil.com.

Let's live people! Not die for lack of doing the right thing.
Be blessed.