It's been a while since I last posted on this blog and since then some significant things have happened in my life.
In September of 2011 I had the pleasure of welcoming my second grandson into this world - Mekhi Amari.
In June of 2012 the decision to go back into the classroom was realized. So after six years of being in charge of myself, I again became subjected to someone else. What an adjustment. Some of the so called "professionals" treated me as if I was a novice who had never been in a classroom, these included those who I had left there. Time truly changes things and definitely people, but so be it.
That first month was like living in a 'war zone'. The eleventh grade that I was given, were also 'told' to frustrate me as much as they possibly could. They tried. They, the students 'took' me to the office three times in one week. Did I get the support that I felt I would have gotten? No! Instead I was blamed for being too hard on the students. The work was too hard, I was too rough, and so on. I found out that 14 of them had their parents' blessings. It did not stop there, when I let it be known that I felt that some of the adults were being disrespectful, they got the parents involved who felt I was marking too hard, I did not have to point out 'all the errors'. I teach English. Parents came and verbally abused me in front of administration, did I get support then? No! i had to actually say to a parent who brought my husband into the picture, that if she tried it again I would involve the police for the verbal insults and abuse. despite this I entered 90 percent for the BGCSE Language core. I looked beyond the chaos to what could come out on the other side.
By the Christmas holidays I was ready to get out of the country, so I did. And although I got laid over in Atlanta because of the snow, the feeling of 'lightness' was worth it. Spending that holiday with my 3 months old grand son and my 6 years old grand son was heavenly. It made the abuse worth it all. Just for those 12 days of tranquility.
And then, school reopens. I laid down the law. This term was short and the last term to ensure that the syllabi was covered and that they got the materials needed under their 'belt'.
They got it. They realized that it was never about me, but them.
I realized that it was all a TEST one that was humongous! I took on my Parish's youth organization. The numbers were staggering some weeks ranging from 60 - 90 teen agers and tweens. I realized then that the test was to see if I could do the real work that God had for me to do. See teaching is my passion. I trained to teach Sr. High school students and here I was with ages 8 - 19 and some weeks 20-21 year olds.
Thank God for the faithfulness of my fellow church member and teacher Ms. Butler. She stuck with me and helped to keep order. Even when she felt she had enough, we knew that we could not let the young people 'down'. And yes it helped that we taught some of them at school.
God's sense of humour showed through. The very young people who said that I was too hard on them 'begged' to be part of the Youth group, those very young people came to me as a confident when things were going 'extremely bad' for them. What could I say? God placed me there to be more than a teacher, much more. For that I am thankful. And those who brought their parents, yes those, they came for personal tutoring and advice on what to do in regards to higher education, for those letters of recommendation, for that help to get things done 'right'. And all I could do is smile because God in His Infinite mercy and wisdom showed me that it's not about me, it's about doing 'His will and His work'. After all He said it's better to have a large stone hung around your neck and be thrown into the sea than to harm one of 'the little ones'.
The year ended in June of 2013. When the BGCSE results were revealed, some of those same 'nay sayers' changed their tone. Most of the students in the group passed the core, got the C [highest grade for the core] some their D and 2 got the E. See those who chose to listen and work were rewarded. Those who continued to hold out as if they were doing it for me, learned the hard way.
We have completed term one and now half way through term two. There has been a complete turn around. Now, those same students can't wait to get to class and if by chance they are going somewhere and may miss the class they inform me either personally or through fellow student. Some of my colleagues have questioned me as to how it is that the students I teach 'behave'? And how is it we can laugh and still get the work done. It's not me! It's GOD He is the master planner and the Designer of it all. I am only the instrument that He is using.
And when he revels to me that the students are being duped or are going to be duped, I tell them. When they see it they look at me as if I had prior knowledge, No. I do NOT!
I know now, that God has placed me with the homeroom I have and the students I have to help through teaching because He has a plan for every 'life' He is allowing me to come into contact with.
While my two grandsons now 8 and 2 have my 'heart'. I see the 105 students I come into contact with in the classroom and the 300 plus outside the classroom as my children. After all I am a mother/grandmother and who knows when I have to 'stand in the gap'?
See I know now that God is counting on me as I count on Him. He is ALL I need.